So we are already into 2022! With restrictions lifting, offices reopening, businesses beginning to return and churches back in person... the year has definitely begun! How's it going for you? Many leaders are feeling the after effects of the last two years, like after shocks that keep on coming after an earthquake we have had to constantly adjust and readjust... and it has been exhausting. Let me encourage you to take some time to reflect and assess. So often we can rush into what is the current need and not take the necessary time to evaluate and process.
What did you learn about yourself in these last two years? What did you learn about your church community - its strengths and weaknesses? What wasn't working before the pandemic and what do you need to bring life back to and what do you need to let die? This is a time to bring fresh change in an environment that has grown used to change. This is a time to seize the acceptance of the 'new' and bring new programmes, new initiatives, change personnel if needed, shake up services etc. If you seize the hour you will seize the year.
2022 is a year of breakthrough. But not just for the church - for you! It is a year to take stock and recognise the areas God wants to grow you in, to connect with other leaders (we would love to see you at our first leadership conference in March this year - details on our website).
Let's focus on God's agenda and plan for the year and make space to listen, to heal, to restore and dream. Then... let's go!